Mike’s Firestone Pizza

Welcome to Mike’s Firestone Pizza!

I’m on a mission to make the best pizza possible in a deck oven. A deck oven has stones that are heated by fire, hence the name Firestone.

I’m always trying to improve.
That means every week, it’s a bit different.
The flour changes, the hydration changes,
other ingredients may change.
As an example, I’ve tested many different types of flour, mixes of flour, types of pepperoni, brands of cheese, different types of yeast.

I make the dough on Wednesdays or Thursdays.
Friday’s dough is an average of 30 or 54 hours of fermentation.
Saturday’s dough is an average of 54 or 76 hours of fermentation.
Yes, it’s going to taste a bit different on Friday than it does on Saturday.
You may prefer one over the other.
Thank you for visiting.
Oh, and by the way, I can’t make a round pizza to save my life. So you’ve been warned if it’s a weird shape and doesn’t quite fit on the tray or in the box (if you must take it to go).


ps. BYO Pineapple, you wouldn’t be the first.